Empowering Futures: Urban Upound’s College Access Students Embark on a Transformative Trip to Québec, Canada

Urban Upbound NYC
4 min readJul 12, 2023


At Urban Upound, we believe that every student deserves equal opportunities to explore their potential and broaden their horizons. Recently, our College Access students embarked on an unforgettable journey to Québec, Canada, thanks to the generosity of Hydro Québec Energy Services, a subsidiary of Hydro-Québec. The trip, titled “Discovering Renewable Energy in Quebec: Academic Possibilities and Cultural Diversity,” aimed to provide an immersive experience, fostering educational growth, cultural exchange, and a newfound appreciation for renewable energy.

Day 1: A Warm Welcome to Montreal

The adventure began on June 28 with the students’ arrival in Montreal. After a smooth flight, they checked into their hotel and had the opportunity to rest and prepare for the exciting days ahead. To kick off their journey, the students enjoyed dinner at a local restaurant, immersing themselves in Montreal’s vibrant culinary scene.

Day 2: Exploring Education

On Day 2, our students first started with a meeting with Ana Escrogima, the Consul General at the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal and her team where they had engaged in discussions about the role of US embassies around the world and all the opportunities for the younger generation. Afterwards, the students set off to visit the renowned McGill University. With a guided tour of the campus, they were introduced to the world of higher education, igniting their aspirations for future academic pursuits. Then, we took our students to the awe-inspiring Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mount Royal, a spiritual landmark that is always a highlight for our students.

Day 3: Renewable Energy and Historic Venues

Fueling their curiosity for renewable energy, the students embarked on a visit to the Beauharnois Generating Station. This immersive experience allowed them to witness firsthand the ingenuity and scale of Hydro Québec’s commitment to sustainable energy production. After, the students ventured to the historic Old Port of Montreal, unraveling its rich heritage and experiencing the vibrant atmosphere that characterizes this cultural hub.

Day 4: Nature and Cultural Exploration

On Day 4 our students got to explore the Biodome where they discovered an array of ecosystems and learned about the importance of biodiversity. We then gathered around a very well deserved lunch where everyone agreed that there was more to do and see at the historic Old Port of Montreal, so that is where we headed for the rest of the day. In addition, we participated in a fun MAZE activity, finding treasures and tracking the fastest time in order to make the event competitive .

Day 5: Unveiling the Wonders of Montreal

The students enjoyed a full day of thrills and laughter at La Ronde, Quebec’s largest, most exciting theme park. The day concluded with one last dinner, providing an opportunity for the students to reflect upon their journey and share their newfound insights.

Day 6: A Journey to Remember

On the final day of their transformative trip, the students enjoyed a final breakfast at the hotel, cherishing the memories they had made over the past few days. With a sense of gratitude and excitement, they checked out of the hotel, bidding farewell to the captivating city of Montreal. The students left with a renewed sense of possibility and a deep appreciation for the transformative power of exploration and cultural exchange.

The Discovering Renewable Energy in Quebec: Academic Possibilities and Cultural Diversity trip, made possible through the sponsorship of Hydro Québec Energy Services, was a remarkable experience for Urban Upound’s College Access students. From educational visits to renowned institutions to immersions in cultural landmarks and exhilarating entertainment, every aspect of the trip was designed to inspire, educate, and empower our students. We are immensely grateful to Hydro Québec Energy Services for their generosity and dedication to promoting renewable energy and educational opportunities. The trip not only expanded the students’ horizons but also instilled in them the belief that no dream is too big to achieve!

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Urban Upbound NYC

A collection of stories around NYC’s public housing communities curated by Urban Upbound, a non-profit organization with a mission to break cycles of poverty.